Two articles on unity are found below: (1) A BASEBALL ALLEGORY illustrating the way in which Christians from a wide variety of backgrounds can experience and enjoy the liberty of scriptural unity in the body of Christ.(2) FIVE UNITIES IN SCRIPTURE: God's principles of unity are illustrated in the unity of divine persons in the Godhead, the unity of a man and woman in marriage, the union of Christ with man in the flesh in His incarnation, the union of believers with Christ in the Spirit, and the union of believers with each other in the body of Christ.
(1) BASEBALL ALLEGORY: Is Scripture Enough To Guide The Church Into Godly Unity?
Is God's Word alone sufficient to guide believers in Jesus Christ as they function as members in the church which is the body of Christ? Eph.1:22,23) Or did the Lord leave us with a guide book which needed to be refined, explained, and reformulated by men?
When difficulties, disobedience and discord arise (as they always do)among the people of God, is God's word alone sufficient to guide and control the conduct of the saints? OR do we need to formulate dogmas, decrees and doctrinal statements, in addition to scripture, to enforce human control over the people of God?
I believe that the word of God alone is absolutely sufficient to equip the people of God to meet whatever challenge confronts them.(IITim.3:16,17) Further, I believe that only when we submit to the Word of God as the only guide for our lives (personally), and for the church (corporately) will we be able to enjoy and demonstrate true scriptural unity.
Let me illustrate: If a group of athletes, skilled in their respective sports,(golf, tennis, hockey, basketball, football, soccer etc.) came together to form a baseball league, would it be possible for them to successfully play baseball? Would the official baseball rulebook be sufficient to guide them? or would it become necessary, when serious disputes arose, for those who were deeply committed to keeping the game "orthodox", to "reformulate the rules" in language that would clarify the original rules?
Is this not, in principle, what has taken place in Christendom? Do we not, in effect, have a vast array of "baseball leagues" which have arisen as a direct result of "reformulating the rules"? Some play "baseball" on "golf courses", others on "hockey rinks" while still others play "baseball" on "tennis courts". Some use "golf clubs", others use "lacrosse sticks" while still others use "cricket bats"!
But don't let anyone deny that we are, in fact, playing "baseball"!
That fact is indisputable because we all use bases and we all use balls! (basketballs, footballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, golf balls and ping-pong balls!) Furthermore, we all solemnly acknowledge that "the Official baseball Rulebook" is our only and final authourity. At every game coaches read from the "Rulebook", but the teams' unspoken but consistent ambition is, "Forget about the rules, let's get on with the game!"
Occasionally, some young upstart (who thinks he knows it all) comes to practice more interested in reading the "Rulebook" than he is in "playing the game"! Inevitably such "rebels" dig up some rule that the team has never heard of. (They're too busy playing the game to be bothered reading the rules!) Whenever such rebels get too vocal and actually start playing by the rule they discovered, they always get kicked off the team.
(Do you recall what team Saul of Tarsus used to play with? Or Stephen, that other rebel before him? Both, not only lectured the "national executive" from the "rulebook", but actually claimed to have met the author! I think it was their emphasis on the author which got them in the greatest trouble. Emphasizing HIM also prevented the start of any new "breakaway baseball leagues" named after the rebels themselves. In the city of Corinth, some were all set to get some "new leagues" organized, ("I'm of Paul", "I'm of Apollos", "I'm of Cephas", "I'm of Christ".) Paul squashed the whole idea reminding them about the AUTHOR and OWNER and the price that He had paid to buy the "league" in the first place.(I Cor.1:12-17)
There have been many rebels since with a deep desire to "get back to the basics of the book." (Luther, Zwingle, Calvin, Knox, Wesley, Whitefield, Darby, Kelly etc.) But all too often their followers have been more enamoured with the "rulebook" and the most recently recovered "rule" than they have been with the author himself. Over and again the result has been the formation of a new "baseball league" named after:(1)the rebel himself,(2)the cause he took up or (3)the rule he rediscovered.
Such rebels, because they were "wise enough" to discover a rule in the rulebook were proclaimed (usually unwillingly) as "Presidents" of the new leagues. The major responsibility of a president was interpretting the rule book for all the teams in the league, which were usually too busy playing the game to read the rulebook for themselves.
League presidents came and went. But most took their jobs seriously and wrote volumes of interpretations of the rulebook. So now, while you can still fit the rulebook in your pocket, it takes huge libraries to accommodate the interpretations! It is precisely for this reason that "League Colleges" were founded. These institutions were not for baseball players but rather to instruct "executives" and "coaches" in the interpretations of the rulebook. These are the ones who must understand so they can teach the players how to play the game. (It would be most unreasonable to expect baseball players to be familiar with the baseball rulebook!)
There are even some leagues which note that the rulebook never advocates the establishment of league colleges. So players in these leagues are encouraged to study the rulebook at home along with the commentaries of the executives (which are widely circulated to the teams in the league). This insures that players will interpret the rulebook in a manner consistent with the league's accepted game plan.
Thus, we find a vast array of "baseball leagues" all professing to be "playing baseball by the rulebook". Yet,in actual fact, they are all playing by the commentaries written ABOUT the rulebook. The rulebook is interpretted in different ways. The leagues are organized on different schemes and the actual "games" that are played vary from league to league. Is it any wonder that the "spectators" and not a few players are confused?
But, I ask: Is it possible for a group of school boys, who have only a baseball, bat, and a copy of a baseball rulebook, to play a game of baseball entirely "by the book"? Certainly it is. But it will require of them three things: (1) to know what the book says, (2) to do what it says (3) to reject any proposed rule that is not expressly stated in the book.
Now regarding unity among Christians: Is it possible for ordinary Christians,(those who have received Christ by faith, have been justified, have peace with God, know their sins are forgiven, and are indwelt by the Spirit of God) from a wide range of religious backgrounds to enjoy and to demonstrate practical Christian unity??? I believe it is not only possible but that I am disobedient to clear commands of scripture if I am not seeking to foster such unity!
One may ask,"What does fostering such unity require of me?
Three things:
(1)To know what the word of God says, by consistent reading and diligent study of scripture (not books about scripture), in order to have a reliable standard by which to evaluate whatever we read or hear. Acts 17:11 illustrates this principle clearly. The Bereans "received the word with all readiness of mind," (what Paul had to say about scripture),"and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so." (They expected scripture to verify or refute Paul's teaching, not vice versa!)Sadly, very few christians follow the Bereans' example.
(2)To practice what scripture teaches, (not what men teach about it.)
(3)To reject, as not being scriptural,any doctrine not expressly stated in the very words of scripture alone. (Every scriptural doctrine is stated clearly in words of scripture alone. Conversely, Any doctrine which is not stated clearly in words of scripture alone is not a scriptural doctrine.Ps.12:6; Prov.30:5,6 & I Cor.2:13) I have been absolutely amazed, and shaken to realize how many doctrines I have embraced and taught to others which are disqualified when subjected to this simple test. I urge the reader NOT to subject others' doctrines to this test BEFORE applying it to their own. I've been embarrassed many times by reversing this order!
I'm convinced that the proper understanding of scripture is within the ability of any child of God who will diligently apply himself to know scripture, obey it and reject as unscriptural all that is not stated in words of scripture alone. If such a practice is followed, no believer need ever be "bamboozled" again by the complicated reasoning or mental gymnastics of theologians. All that is necessary is to ask one polite question, "Sir, I don't think I understood all that you just said, but would you kindly show me your conclusions stated clearly in words of scripture?
If the speaker cannot do so, our job is simple: we may reject his teaching as not being a scriptural doctrine. If he is able to show his conclusion stated in scripture, our assignment has just begun! We must now search the scriptures (as the Bereans of old) to see whether those things are so. We will be able to verify or refute what has been taught by (1)comparing scripture with scripture, (2)by examining texts in view of the whole context and (3)by allowing the Holy Spirit's usage of words in scripture to define their meaning.
Furthermore, we will be able to explain the reasons for our conclusions in the very words of scripture!
I cannot speak for others, but I know that I have adopted and embraced many unscriptural doctrines and practices, while being fully persuaded they really were scriptural! Every unscriptural doctrine and practice I've held has been a hindrance to my relationship with Christ and to my relationships with other believers. I have found that submission to doctrines and regulations of men (the easiest course by far) always restricts fellowship with others who belong to Christ, and prohibits public ministry to many whom the Holy Spirit has placed as members in the body. Conversely, I have also found that obedience and submission to the Word of God (the most difficult course) always increases the circle of mutual fellowship and ministry that is enjoyed in the body of Christ.
The apostle Paul had an "enlarged heart" for the saints. (II Cor.6:11) The bowels (affections) of the Corinthian believers, to whom he wrote, were straitened (restricted). (II Cor.6:12) It is a principle of scripture that those who thrive on divisions and contentions (as the Corinthians did, I Cor.1:10,11) will always suffer from "restricted bowels"! (Is this scriptural proof of the old addage, "You are what you eat."?!) Paul urged them to have "enlarged hearts" instead of "restricted bowels." These two conditions seem to be mutually exclusive! May we submit our case to "the Great Physician" to remove the restrictions from our "bowels" and to enlarge our hearts" for the people of God.
Only as we submit ourselves to His radical surgery will we be able to enjoy the reality of the unity of the Spirit.(Eph.4:1-6) This is a divine work which can only be accomplished on divine terms. But whenever God creates, institutes or establishes anything, Satan will always seek to counterfeit and destroy it. Note the following ontrasts:
Is established by God on the basis of His highest common denominator for those who have received Christ, the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever.(I Pet.1:23)
Unity of the Spirit requires:
-all to change to conform to the image of Christ and to God's Word, (Rom.8:29; 12:2)
-none to compromise scriptural truth,
-all to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints,(Jude v.3,4)
-all to speak the same thing, the name of Christ(I Cor.1:10) who is the theme of all scripture. (Luke 24:27)
-all to be of one accord and of one mind (the mind of Christ, Phil.2:2,5)who loves righteousness and hates iniquity. Hebrews 1:9
Is established by Satan on the basis of the lowest common denominator for those who have rejected Christ (whatever is acceptable to all) this standard degenerates continually.
Ecumenical unity requires:
-no one to change
-all to compromise scriptural truth
-that no one contends for the faith
-all to speak the same thing (despising and rejecting Christ and the Word of God)
-all to be of one accord and one mind (the fleshly mind)which loves iniquity and hates righteousness.
In conclusion, would you consider the following questions with me?
(1)If believers in two different places are separated from each other by doctrines and practices which each hold which are not stated in scripture, what is the remedy?
-Is it for group A to agree with group B?
-Is it for group B to agree with group A? OR
-Is it for BOTH to -agree with scripture,
-practice what scripture states, and
-reject the unscriptural doctrines and practices which each once held?
(2)If both took the third remedy, what would remain to separate them? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
(3)How many scriptural doctrines would have to be sacrificed or compromised? ABSOLUTELY NONE!
(4)On how many doctrines would they have to "agree to disagree"? ABSOLUTELY NONE!
(5)How many consciences of believers in those places would be violated? ABSOLUTELY NONE!
(6)How many believers who would take such a step would be able to give scriptural reasons for their actions? ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THEM!
If these conclusions are true, (I am convinced they are), what obstacles stand in the way of "the endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? (Eph.4:3) I believe there are many, but three major ones of which I've been guilty on many occasions are these:
-"THE FEAR OF MAN bringeth a snare." Prov.29:25
What promises does God make to those who are willing to honestly face these obstacles, acknowledge their own weakness and trust in the grace of God to overcome them?
-"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." Prov.1:7
-"By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil." Prov.16:6
-"The fear of the Lord tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil." Prov.19:23
-"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honour and life." Pr.22:4
-"Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool:...for all those things hath mine hand made...but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." Isaiah 66:1,2
-"IF ANY MAN WILL DO HIS WILL, HE SHALL KNOW OF THE DOCTRINE, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." John 7:17
May God help us each one to fear the Lord, to tremble at His word, and to be willing to do His will.
Any article on this site may be copied, reproduced and distributed on the condition that such copies are distributed free of charge in keeping with the Lord Jesus' command to His disciples, "Freely ye have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8
I do not claim ownership of anything expressed herein which is the truth. But I do accept full responsibility for anything expressed here which is inaccurate or not consistent with scripture. Please contact me at regarding any such errors which come to your attention. Bruce
I. THE DIVINE UNION OF PERSONS IN THE GODHEAD: I John 5:7 "For there arethree that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
We shall notice that, as the Godhead is marked by similarities anddifferences, every other unity which God has established will be balanced by similarities and differences as well.
A.The same substance: "God is a Spirit". John 4:24 Different Persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Matt.28:19; Mk.1:9-11; Rom.1:1-4; I Jn.5:7
B.The same works: creation Gen.1; resurrection of Christ Rom.1; redemption Eph.1; revelation Hebrews 1 & II Pet.1 etc. Different functions:-the Father initiates the work Jn.5:17; loves the Son and shows the Son all that He does Jn.5:20; and glorifies the Son Jn.17:1 -the Son can do nothing of Himself, does what He sees the Father do Jn.5:19; and glorifies the Father Jn.17:1,4 -the Spirit is sent by the Son, does not speak His own words but only what He hears, He glorifies the Son. Jn.16:7,13,14
C.The same attributes: omnipotent or almighty Rev.16:7,14; 19:6; omniscient or all knowing Ps.139:1-6,23; omnipresent Ps.139:7-10; holy Lev.11:45; I Pet.1:15,16; light I Jn.1:5; love I Jn.4:8,16 etc Different relationships:-Jehovah loves and is united to Israel, an unfaithful wife Jer.3 and Hosea 2. Even after divorce He is faithful unto reconciliation. -the Son loved and was united to the world which despised, rejected, abused, and crucified Him Is.53:3-8 He was faithful to them unto death.Phil.2:8 -Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. He will finish the work he has begun.Eph.5:25-27; Phil.1:6 -the Spirit (like Abraham's servant who was sent to get a bride for Isaac, Gen.24) speaks to those who are beloved of a faithful God: to Israel Deut.7:6-8; Jer.31:1-4; to the world Jn.16:8-11; and to the church Rev.2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22. In love He speaks the truth to us:-of delight and pleasure in God Ps 37:4; 16:11 -of defilement and the need of purification in us Mk.7:20-22; I Jn.3:3; II Tim.2:19-22
As we see the various relationships into which Divine Persons have entered with sinful people and see the pain that God has suffered through the unfaithfulness of His loved ones, what a practical comfort it is to all of us who have experienced the pain of the unfaithfulness of a friend, a fiance, or a spouse. Heb.4:15 informs us that He was tempted in all points like as we are and Heb.2:18 assures us with this statement,"For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succour (help) them that are tempted."
Notice 6 features of this union that are clearly revealed in scripture:
A.Human relationship: "I will make an help meet for him...there was not found an help meet for him" (among the animals) Gen.2:18-20
B.Heterosexual relationship: "And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman..."Gen.2:22
C.Non-incestuous relationship: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother..." Gen.2:24
D.Non-adulterous relationship: "And shall cleave unto HIS wife..." Gen.2:24
E.Marital relationship: "And shall cleave unto his WIFE..." Gen.2:24,
F.Monogamous relationship: "They shall be one flesh." Gen.2:24
While this pattern was evident in the first pair, God had not yet stated any laws prohibiting relationships which deviated from the pattern. Examples of bestiality, homosexuality, incest, adultery, harlotry, and polygamy are all recorded in the O.T. when not yet forbidden by God! But notice how God reveals His mind about marriage. One step at a time, He states specific prohibitions of deviant behaviour until He has clearly defined what kind of relationships He will join. Thus we see the Divine Pattern for marriage not only stated by positive example but also...
IN GENESIS: -only adultery is forbidden 20:3
IN EXODUS: -adultery is forbidden 20:14 -bestiality is forbidden 22:19
IN LEVITICUS: -adultery is forbidden 18:8,14,16,20 -bestiality is forbidden 18:23 -incest is forbidden 18:7-18 -homosexuality is forbidden 18:22
IN DEUTERONOMY:-adultery is forbidden 22:22 -bestiality is forbidden 27:21 -incest is forbidden 22:30; 27:20,22,23 -homosexuality is forbidden 23:17 -pre-marital relations are forbidden 22:13-29
Polygamy is nowhere forbidden in the O.T.!
IN MATTHEW:-In chapter 19:3-5 All 6 features of Gen.2 are restated. But notice v.5: Monogamy is directly stated by the Lord Jesus here and polygamy clearly shown to be contrary to the will of God by the statement, "They TWAIN shall be one flesh." (No more could anyone imagine that they THREE or they FOUR SHALL BE ONE FLESH!)
IN ROMANS: polygamy is forbidden and equated with adultery. Rom.7:1-3
When God had fully revealed to man His mind concerning marriage, by a 6 point positive pattern and 6 corresponding negative prohibitions, ONLY THEN do we learn that He joins such relationships in "NO MORE TWAIN" unions. It is these unions and these alone which He forbids to be put asunder.(There are many marriage unions which God does not join.) A divinely joined marriage has 6 features from its very beginning. Three of these features show that the couple are similar (they are suitable for each other) and three show that they are different (they complement each other.)
SPECIES -human GENDER -male and female
CONDITION -not joined to the spouse of another FAMILY -man to leave father and mother to find a wife
UNION -individuals are joined only to each other RELATIONSHIPS -husband & wife, not just "strangers", not just "friends", and not just "fiances".
In the wisdom of our God, the sum of these 6 marks clearly distinguish divinely joined marriages from all other deviant relationships. Notice that any relationship which, at its very beginning, is missing even one of these features - is a deviation from the divine plan. No such deviation is ever joined or blessed by God. Rather it is judged by God (Heb.13:4) and those involved are warned to flee from it.(I Cor.6:15-20;I Thess.4:3-8)
1. HUMAN relationship 1. BESTIALITY
3. NON-INCESTUOUS relationship 3. INCEST
4. NON-ADULTEROUS relationship 4. ADULTERY
6. MONOGAMOUS relationship 6. POLYGAMY
Of all the unions God has established, this one touches my heart the most! Why would Christ ever seek union with a sinful rebellious human race??? It was out of love to us! Without such a union our redemption and salvation would have been impossible. If an Israelite lost his inheritance and was brought into bondage, he could be redeemed by one of his own kinsmen. The book of Ruth demonstrates that a "kinsman redeemer" had to meet 3 qualifications:
(1)they had to be a kinsman, a near relative,
(2)they had to be able to redeem their poor brother by paying his debt.(Obviously a relative who was also in debt could not redeem his brother.)
(3)they had to be willing to pay the price. Boaz did this very thing for Ruth when another nearer kinsman was unwilling to do so.
Through disobedience, Adam and the whole human race after him lost our inheritance (fellowship with God) and were brought into the bondage of sin. All our kinsmen were in the same bondage so our case was hopeless. There was no redeemer! I say this reverently, but not even God could redeem us apart from becoming a kinsman. This is why the incarnation of Christ was absolutely necessary for our redemption.
A kinsman needs to be a relative -Christ became a man.
A kinsman must be able to redeem -Christ was holy thus sin and death had no claim upon Him.
A kinsman must be willing to redeem -Christ's willingness was displayed in Gethsemane and ultimately at Calvary where He became answerable to God for our sin. Thus God, who was infinitely different from us, was willing to become a man (similar to us) in order to redeem us to Himself.
See the full extent to which He was willing to go to accomplish that end...
(Five ways in which He became our kinsman:)II Cor.5:16
(The word translated "married" in Rom.7:3 means "to be made" or "to become".It is a very common N.T. word but it is used 5 times of Christ's union with us as our kinsman. See the underlined passages that follow:)
A.He was MADE of a woman. Gal.4:4; Lk.3:23-38 United to us by GENEALOGY)
B.He was MADE flesh. Jn.1:14; Rom.1:3 (United to us by HUMANITY)
C.He was MADE in the likeness of men.Phil.2:7; Rom.8:3 (United to us by SIMILARITY)
D.He was MADE under the law.Gal.4:4;Rom.3:19 (United to us by RESPONSIBILITY)
E.He was MADE a curse for us.Gal.3:13,10 (United to us by PENALTY)
This relationship was terminated by the death of Christ at the cross.
Hebrews 2:14-18 and II Cor.5:21 tell us why this union was necessary and what the Lord Jesus accomplished by it. "He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us..." He did not become a sinner but rather became answerable for all of our sin. Our sin was put to His account and He died to pay the penalty so we could be delivered.
Why did they nail Him to Calvary's tree? Why tell me why, was He there? Jesus, the Helper, the Healer, the Friend, Why, tell me why should He care? All my iniquities on Him were laid, He nailed them all to the tree; Jesus, the debt of my sin fully paid, He paid the ransom for me.
In order for Christ to be united to humanity to become our redeemer He had to be made like us, the Son of man. So too, in order for sinners to be united to God in order to be restored to fellowship with God, we have to be made like Him and become sons of God. See the extent (the radical changes) which He was willing to make in us to accomplish that end...
(Five ways believers are united to Him.)II Cor.5:17
(The same word "married" in Rom.7:3 which is used 5 times of Christ's union to us in the flesh is also used 5 times of our union to Him in the Spirit. See the bold passages that follow:)
A.We BECOME the sons of God. Jn.1:12; Gal.4:6 (We're MADE SONS)
B.We're MADE the righteousness of God in Him. II Cor.5:21; I Pet.2:24 (We're MADE RIGHTEOUS in Him)
C.We're MADE nigh by the blood of Christ.Eph.2:13; Heb.10:19-22 (We're MADE NEAR to God by Him)
D.We're MADE heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Titus 3:7; Gal.4:7 (We're MADE HEIRS with Him)
E.We're MADE partakers of Christ. Heb.3:14; Jn.6:53-58 (We're MADE PARTAKERS of Him.)
"God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord." I Cor.1:9
Remember that fellowship always requires a balance of similarities and differences between the individuals being united.But when sin entered, such a catastrophe took place that man was hopelessly estranged from God. Sin brought such distance, rebellion, and outright enmity between God and man that almost no similarity remained.(Only the fact that man was made in the image of God, a spiritual being.) In order for fellowship to be established, significant similarities had to be brought about.(Remember the train? All its units have to have similar wheels, tracks and couplers.)
It overwhelms me to think of the depths to which Christ came and of the heights to which He has lifted us in order to bring about a righteous basis for fellowship between God and man!
1.The Creator of man became the Son of man!
2.The One who formed man's flesh of the dust of the ground - was Himself made flesh!
3.The One who made man in the image of God (in spirit) - was made in the likeness of men (in body)!
4.The Giver of the law was made under the very law that He gave!
5.But wonder of all wonders... the Source of all blessings was willing to be made a curse for us!!!
1.We, the children of the devil are made sons of God!
2.We who were sinners and rebels by nature are made the righteousness of God in Christ!
3.We who were far off, without hope, and without God are made nigh to God by the blood of Christ!
4.We who were enemies, alienated from God are made heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ!
5.We who were in Adam and thus doomed to Adam's death are now made partakers of Christ and of His eternal life!!!
A.Union of believers in Romans 12:
(I realize that what we have just examined above has been heavy going!
For a change of pace, let's just enjoy a simple SANDWICH!)
I've enjoyed looking at Romans 12 as a recipe for a delicious sandwich platter, so let's have a picnic!
-In what ways are all sandwiches similar? , ,
-In what ways do sandwiches differ?
The reason why I see Romans 12 as a sandwich is that it is in three parts:
Just like sandwiches,top and bottom are always similar,(some type of bread)so too, the first and last sections of Romans 12 speak of relationships and responsibilities that all believers share in common.
The central part of the chapter is the place where there can be infinite variety. vs.1-3 have to do with our relationship with God; vs.9-21 have to do with our relationship with others, while the central verses, vs.4-8 have to do with a variety of gifts. Christians have a relationship to God, relationships with others, and in the midst of those relationships are given a wide variety of gifts to be used for the benefit of others. Just as you could not serve sandwiches without bread (sandwich spread only), so too the gifts of the Spirit cannot be ministered except in the context of right relationships to God and others.
Any article on this site may be copied, reproduced and distributed on the condition that such copies are distributed free of charge in keeping with the Lord Jesus' command to His disciples, "Freely ye have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8
I do not claim ownership of anything expressed herein which is the truth. But I do accept full responsibility for anything expressed here which is inaccurate or not consistent with scripture. Please contact me at regarding any such errors which come to your attention. Bruce